Bodyweight Burn Review – The Workout Plan For Busy People

Bodyweight Burn is a simple workout program designed by Adam Steer for busy people or anyone who does not want to join a gym.

The $19 program is based on specific bodyweight exercises that do not require any equipment except a floor mat.

But how does it work, and what are the pros and cons of this program?

Who Is Bodyweight Burn For?

The program is suitable for just about everyone, particularly those who do not want to train in a crowded gym or are fed up with spending money on memberships.

Traveling people, business people with little time for training, or moms at home with kids can also benefit from the program.

Bodyweight Burn does not require any equipment and is minimalist to the extreme.

You don’t need to buy any equipment except, maybe, for a yoga mat (totally optional) and can be done from the comfort of home even in the dead of winter, no need to go jogging in the cold or drive the car to the gym.

It is the ideal lock-down and pandemic program for anyone who has to keep fit or lose weight at home under duress.

What Is Bodyweight Burn?

Bodyweight Burn

Bodyweight Burn focuses on losing fat and maintaining or building lean muscle. The blueprint is structured in a scalable way involving several exercises of different intensity across two separate phases.

However, it is not a full-on muscle-building program. The bodyweight workouts are designed with fitness, lean muscle, and low body fat in mind rather than massive body size. The idea is to offer a time-efficient and practical blueprint to reach peak fitness conditions for anyone.

Bodyweight Burn is not a typical, plain bodyweight plan requiring endless push-ups and sit-ups. It is much more finely tuned than that, flexible enough to suit all fitness levels with different workout intensities.

How Does It Work?

Here is a brief breakdown of the main ideas behind Bodyweight Burn.

Short Workouts – Each workout is set up to last 21 minutes, and the author strongly advises not to work out beyond 3 minutes in any case. The workout layout is six days on and one-off to give a chance to rest your body and let it recover. More on this later.

High Metabolism – A constantly high metabolic rate is the guaranteed way to fat loss, hence the need for a specific combination of short bodyweight workouts to keep your body burning fat well after you finished exercising, typically up to 36 hours and over.

Cortisol – Noticing that people working out on treadmills or bikes hardly seem to change their physique despite their enormous efforts, he concluded that long and exhausting workouts kick in a stress hormone called cortisol.

In moderate amounts, cortisol is beneficial and helps lose fat. However, too much of it from marathon training sessions causes your body to switch to survival mode and interferes with your fat-burning abilities.

On the contrary, short, intense workouts are more time-efficient. They also guarantee that your cortisol levels stay healthily down, aiding fat loss. Adam Steer backs up his claims with an Australian study in which a guinea group was performing short. Intense workouts lost up to six times more fat than a reference group.

Insulin – Insulin is a crucial hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels and your ability to store fat.  A part of the program called BW3 Metabolic-Muscle Workouts is designed to keep insulin sensitivity high, preventing fat loss.

According to the author, a benefit of increased insulin sensitivity is that it redirects your carbs into your muscle cells rather than your belly, so you can eat more carbohydrates without storing fat.


Bodyweight Burn Routines

The Bodyweight Burn BW3 MultiBurn Exercises

BW3 MultiBurn is the program household definition of its exercises and stands for “Bodyweight 3X Fat-Burn Multiplier Effect”.

It’s a bit of a mouthful to indicate the workouts’ sequential nature, which utilizes three specific exercises to be performed in a continuous flow without a break, each with its own goal and purpose.

These three different exercises performed one after the other achieves an exponential effect that is more than the simple sum of its components.

They work in synergy to create an increase in EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) and a profound fat-burning and lean muscle-building effect that will last well after the end of the workout, up to 38 hours.

These exercises range from a beginner’s level up to an advanced level and are divided into three main exercise categories. These are:

Cardio Flow Exercises

This is the starting exercise of the Bodyweight Burn workouts. It requires a continuous, nonstop sequence of different movements to be performed with an eye to time rather than repetitions.

Its purpose is to kick start your metabolism into the “fat-burning zone” in the shortest possible time, priming your body with the correct intensity to force it to use its fat as a source of energy but without the release of the stress hormone cortisol.

These exercises are in place to substitute other types of cardio like jogging or stair climbing, which work at an intensity that raises your cortisol levels and causes you to get injured through repetitive stress.

The Cardioflow exercises look like dance moves, similar to ballet choreography, performed with bodyweight movements in a continuous chain to elicit the desired response from your body: fat-burning without the release of cortisol.

Afterburners Exercises

These exercises are more challenging and intense enough to keep metabolism high for up to 38 hours after your session. What happens is that your body keeps burning calories and fat at an elevated rate before going back to its normal, regular state.

The reason for it is a phenomenon called EPOC, Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, which means your body burns more oxygen after a demanding workout, and it takes some time to “calm down,” causing you to burn fat all along.

These exercises are the core of the Bodyweight Burn workouts and are responsible for most of your fat loss.

Metabolic Muscle Exercises

These are the most challenging exercises. They are designed to elicit lean muscle growth to boost metabolism even further, even while at rest.

The idea is that muscle mass is an excellent calorie-burning machine, and even a moderate increase in muscle mass over time adds up to your body’s fat-burning capabilities, in addition to the Cardioflow and Afterburner exercises.

It’s well known that an increase in lean muscle results in greater strength and a better-looking physique and in a more efficient calorie-burning machine both at rest and while exercising, helping cut down body fat even more and improving body composition.

However, Bodyweight Burn is not a dedicated muscle-building or bodybuilding program. If you plan to get as big as possible, this program is not for you because it’s not designed for pure muscle size.

What you are likely to get is a moderate increase in muscle mass in conjunction with low body fat levels, which will result in a better-looking physique with a healthier tissue composition.

To sum up, the goal of Bodyweight Burn is more on raising metabolism, losing fat, and get good cardio conditioning rather than mere muscle-building.

Bodyweight Burn Workouts

Bodyweight Burn Structure And Time Frame

The program lasts for 12 weeks and is divided into 2 different phases of 6 weeks each, each phase consisting of different sets of exercises of increasing difficulty. The system takes the name of BW3 Multi Burn workouts, and you can adjust it to all levels of fitness, men, women, young and old.

Metabolic Base Phase

As the name implies, this phase is geared to prime your body to raise your total work capacity. This phase is the foundation necessary before you can take on the more challenging Metabolic Explosion.

This phase focuses on increasing stamina and metabolism and progressively build a little muscle by combining the three main workout categories described above. It’s a bit like the Jack of all trades of the program designed to improve all over before you can be able to withstand the toughness of the second phase.

The workouts are arranged in a six-day on, one-off fashion and include 2 Cardioflow sessions, 2 Afterburner sessions, and 2 Metabolic Muscle sessions.

The Metabolic Explosion Phase

This is the advanced part of the program. Note that you must be able to finish phase 1 first, or you won’t perform it. If you are in a hurry, there is also a handy Quick Start Guide to get you going without making mistakes.

This phase is more challenging than the previous one in that there are no light Cardioflow workouts, only afterburner workouts, and metabolic muscle workouts. The sessions are scheduled again on a six-day on and one-off pattern, but the overall intensity is more significant.

The purpose here is to get the most of the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption and get your body burning for up to 38 hours after your workout while also building muscle. This is why it is so important to follow phase 1 to the letter, or you won’t simply have built enough workload capacity.

Bodyweight Burn Vs. P90X Vs. Crossfit

The beauty of Bodyweight Burn is time efficiency coupled with workout effectiveness. Popular programs like P90X, Insanity, or Crossfit are either very time-consuming, stressful on your joint and tendons, require equipment, or all of it.

Take P90X, for instance, that’s an hour or more per workout, and you need some equipment too. Or Crossfit workouts, they are way too stressful on your joints and ligaments, plus you need a gym, and you can expect your cortisol levels to go through the roof.

Some people stick to these programs and get good results. Still, the reality is that a large part, if not the majority, quit with time because their schedules are challenging to manage in a sea of commitments or because of injury by overuse.

Bodyweight Burn is very joint and tendon friendly; the moves are demanding from a cardio and muscular activation standpoint but gentle on your knees, shoulders, elbows, ankles, and wrists.

It is ideal for middle-aged and senior people who want to keep fit and shape up but must be careful with their joints and ligaments.

These are bodyweight movements performed in sequential flow, not jumping, yanking, tugging, snatching, or jolting.


Bodyweight Burn Nutrition

Bodyweight Burn Nutritional Guidelines

Bodyweight Burn also comes with its own nutritional plan called “Carb-Synch Diet”.  The author Adam Steer called it this way to indicate a daily carbohydrate change based on your specific workout for that day.

The program is flexible enough to let you indulge in your preferred foods no more than two times a week. Adam Steer also suggests some optional supplements like omega-three oil and whey protein to help you build muscle, but it’s not compulsory at all. It’s not a bodybuilding program.

The plan revolves around different carb loads depending on the day of the week. In the first three days, you increase your carb load from low, then moderate, and finally to a good carb day, meaning you are allowed to eat more carbs for each subsequent day.

The 4th day is called “backload day.” This day you are allowed to eat carbs only in the late afternoon, after the workout, so that your muscles can immediately absorb the carbs.

The 5th day is for fasting. This could be a problem for some and a little too harsh, as you are allowed to drink only liquids and are even suggested some supplements.

The Creator Of Bodyweight Burn

bodyweight burn

Adam Steer is a weight-loss writer and bodyweight exercise specialist who formerly trained in the typical weight lifting, bodybuilding fashion.

Unhappy with this time-consuming and cumbersome training method and his tendency to “fatten up,” he noticed that gymnasts displayed some of the best physiques around without ever having touched a weight in their lives.

He then decided to switch to bodyweight resistance for convenience and effectiveness and has been traveling around the world ever since, meeting the top expert in calisthenics, accruing knowledge, and giving it back to its clients, so much that he became known as the “Bodyweight Coach.”

The net result of his years in this field resulted in the Bodyweight Burn program.

Bodyweight Burn PDFs And Videos

The program is available from the official website in a digital format only. It is made up of 2 different sets of HD video libraries and four additional guides,  plus a bonus and printable charts.


  • The BW3 Workout Videos – This is a set of videos to follow along with the workouts. They are HD and easy to consult on your mobile, tablet, or PC. We liked the video idea because it leaves no room for error. In any case, there is also a manual with static pictures for reference.
  • The Instructional Video Series – This is an in-depth, detailed video demonstration of every exercise.

bodyweight burn videos


  • Bodyweight Burn Quick Start Guide – This manual is handy in that it does not force you to go through the whole system before you start, but it gives you all the necessary information you need for a good start without errors or injury.
  • BW3 Workout System – This is the core of the program containing all the theory and the tricks of the trade for a successful bodyweight workout regime. The manual is easy to follow and explained in layman terms.
  • BW3 Exercise Manual – This is a complete static picture library of the exercises that complement the video libraries.
  • BW3 Workout System Integration Guide – This is an advanced option that you can use to integrate your Bodyweight Burn workouts with any training regime you may be already using, if any.
  • Hand Wall Charts – This is not a manual, just a set of download and print charts that you can use to update and monitor your progress.

The Bonus

For a limited number of customers, Adam Steer decided to offer also free 30-day access to the private Bodyweight Burn online community called BW3 Platinum Club,  included in the regular price.

I quite like this idea of the online community, as it gives a sense of belonging and the motivation to succeed. It encourages members to help each other and stay on track. This social community is helpful to get the best of the program and insider knowledge of the best tricks of the trade.

bodyweight burn

>>Click Here To Visit The Bodyweight Burn Official Website<<

My Take On Bodyweight Burn

As a lover of bodyweight training and calisthenics, I find Bodyweight Burn super interesting. It takes the concept of bodyweight workouts from a new angle.

Throughout my training life, I followed different bodyweight strategies depending on what my goal was at any time.

For example, when I needed to work on strength and hypertrophy, I would do just that, primary push and pull compound movements, lovely reps, concentric and eccentrics to muscle failure.

I could increase the intensity with weights (ex, weighted pullups or push-ups) or perform higher repetition ranges with my bodyweight only, maybe increasing difficulty by changing the angle, leverage, or inclination.

On the contrary, when I needed to burn some extra fat from my waist, I still compound push and pull movements in a circuit fashion.

That is, I wouldn’t rest between sets of the same exercise (the muscle-building way), but I would perform several activities back to back in one round, then rest and repeat for several circuits.

This way, I would push my cardio endurance and burn fat while maintaining muscle mass.

These strategies are still my primary stake. However, having tried the Bodyweight Burn routines, I have to say that they are very cleverly combined, exacting the most out of your body in heart rate and fat burning but without hammering your joint, something to consider as you progress in age.

The Bodyweight Burn routines are even shorter than regular bodyweight circuit training. Still, they are just as effective and fun because you get a large variety of moves and drills, unlike the usual, boring push and pull movements.

The flowing exercises are like a feather on your joints, and I noticed an improvement in my flexibility and spatial coordination while performing them, something that I always lagged.

Bodyweight Burn Pros And Cons


  • Time-saving. The workouts are over in 21 minutes.
  • It is ideal for everyone, men and women, young and old.
  • It works. It just does what it says on the tin.
  • Easy on the joints and tendons.
  • A bodyweight workout expert and coach designed the program.
  • Flexible. You can do it anywhere.
  • You don’t need any equipment.
  • It’s fun to do. You follow different routines from the usual bodyweight movements of old.
  • It is ideal for lock-down or pandemic restrictions.
  • You can eat a few carbs.
  • Very affordable. For $19, you get a quality program in the palm of your hand (your smartphone) or your PC.
  • You also get 30-day FREE access to the BW3 online community.
  • 60-day money-back guarantee.


  • Not ideal if all you want is to pack on muscle mass. It’s not a bodybuilding program.
  • While fun, some of the drills require some practice to get used to.

The Bottom Line

Bodyweight Burn is a simple yet well-structured bodyweight workout program that comes from the experience and knowledge of a reputable author. It is based on a progressive layout that takes you from beginner to advanced and advocates short, intense 21-minute workouts that promote fat loss.

The program is effective and time-efficient, making it suitable for those with limited time and not require a gym or equipment. While it is mainly a fat loss program, it also promotes moderate, lean muscle building for better body composition. However, it is not a bodybuilding program intended for maximum muscle growth.

It is a fitness and weight loss program that considers low body fat, lean muscle, and general good health.

You achieve your goals through specific bodyweight workouts, not to mention that the program was created by an expert in the field with many satisfied customers to show.

If you want to work out and lose fat at home without equipment due to personal preference or lock-down/pandemic restrictions, I can recommend Bodyweight Burn as an effective tool for the job because it works.

bodyweight burn

Bodyweight Burn Review

Weight gain has become an epidemic...

Did you know that two thirds of adults are struggling with obesity or weight gain?

Chances are you probably don't want to see yourself becoming just another statistic. However, weight loss isn't easy. (if it were it wouldn't be so prevalent)

Bodyweight burn is a new approach to weight loss and I've seen some ​awesome results. This weight loss system claims to activate your fat burning metabolism 67% more than traditional workouts.

With all of the crazy weight loss products out in the market ​I decided to take a closer look. ​I investigated and tried the product ourselves so that we can make sure you are getting a unbiased total review of the product and what you can expect​!

Update for 2022: If you are getting ready to kick off your fitness New Year's (Decade?) resolution, this might just be the perfect workout program for you! ​

Best part is there is no equipment needed - This was my biggest pet peeve with P90x:

​You can workout in the comfort of your own home and avoid those packed gyms! Give this Bodyweight Burn review a quick read and if it's something you want to try, you can do so risk free with their money back guarantee. 

Adam Steer and Bodyweight Burn...​

So it's common sense that to successfully lose weight we need to exercise and stay active but how much exercise is ideal for your weight loss goals? Adam Steer developed this program with scientific backing. This is 12-week workout and meal plan program. The highlight is that you should lose 21 pounds by the end. Training day workouts are only 21 minutes in length only using your own body weight (no equipment). This program is especially great for those of you looking for a weight loss plan that it's time-consuming. I love how the workouts can be done with no equipment and right at home. 

Adam Steer, weight loss author and bodyweight exercise specialist

Quick Note: This program has  saved me countless hours from driving to and from the gym. Not to mention to money I saved from not having a gym membership! Adam Steer might look intimidating from all the muscles he has, but trust me ladies, you'll see and feel results fast! And ladies, don't be intimidated by those muscles! You will NOT get bulky by using this program. This is a common misconception when it come to resistance training workouts. You will instead develop lean and firm muscles that will only highlight your feminine figure!

How Bodyweight Burn works...

This program is divided into two sections, each lasting 6 weeks and are as follows:

Metabolic Base (first 6 weeks): during the first six weeks the workouts are going to help you build lean muscle and increase the rate of your metabolism. ​You will have the same schedule every week, six mixed workouts and one rest day.

Metabolic Explosion (next 6 weeks): Workouts will increase in difficulty but will still be do-able if you already completed the first 6 weeks. You will continue to have a mix or workouts followed by one rest day.


Get the full program at the manufacturer's website

Meal Plan: The meal plan coordinates with the type of workout that's scheduled for that day and it pretty easy to follow. ​It's not a strict diet, you are given room to stray of course 2 days out of the week and eat what ever foods you are craving (just don't go over board). 5 types of food days: 

  • ​Low Carb Days: 3 meals a day should include protein, healthy fat, lots of veggies and 2 snacks. Protein shake is also recommended. 
  • Moderate Carb Day: ( to sufficiently fuel your muscles to both support maintenance and growth. ) 3 meals a day with meals including protein, healthy fat, moderate carbs, 2/3 plate of veggies. Two snacks and post workout nutrition. 
  • Good Carb Days: aka "Cheat Days" - no portion sizes but you are advised not to over eat along with a couple other suggestions. 
  • Back Load Days: no specific requirements and you are advised not to over eat. These days you will training late in the day and consuming all of your carbs in the evening hours after your workout.
  • 24 Hour Fast: the purpose of the24-hour fast is to create a huge calorie deficit and therefore, deplete glycogen. This will cause your body to use your body’s fat as a fuel source. Only a few of these days sprinkled in the plan and if you don't want to fast you can do Low Carb Day instead

Does Bodyweight Burn Work?

This is a common question and the simplest way I can answer it is "Yes, if you do the work".  You have to put in the effort and do the workouts that Adam has created for you. What kind of workouts are in Bodyweight Burn? Glad you asked. There are three workouts in the weight loss program. 

1. Cardio Flow Movements: These are designed for people who do not have a high fitness level. It's not traditional, boring workouts like ellipticals and treadmills. Instead, it's movements designed to get your body moving but in a "fun" way. This way the program won't get dull and boring. 

2. Metabolic Muscle Training: Goal with these workouts are to build and maintain calories burning muscle. The muscles you build through these workouts will help you burn more calories throughout your day, even when you are not working out. These will be lean and strong muscles, not bulky! 


3. Afterburner Workouts: This separates Bodyweight Burn from other fitness workout programs. The Afterburner workouts are what will help your body continue to burn fat for up to 24-48 hours after the workout. The basis of these are High-Intensity Interval Training and it will help you boost your metabolism. 

Here are some screenshots from the program:

Bodyweight burn with Adam Steer workout examples

Prices and what you get...


For that price you will receive: 

Adam Steer's Bodyweight Burn program will only cost you $19* (at the time of this review, limited supply please visit manufacturers official website). Price is low because the program is all digital. Which I think is great - you can access the videos and material on any and all your devices. If you want the DVD set it's like $147 (just get the $19 digital). What sets this program apart from other's is the unique workouts and how they are optimized for maximum fat burn.

  • ​Workout Video Series: HD follow along videos for every workout 
  • Instructional Videos: Step-by-step the correct technique for each specific exercise 
  • Workout Guide: Easy to read Ebook, secret fat burning tips
  • Exercise manual: Ebook with visual pictures of each workout
  • Wall Charts: Stay on track with this quick reference guide
  • Quick Start Guides: how to get started, everything you need to know

What I liked about Bodyweight Burn... 

  • Workouts are quick and don't take up that much time (only 21 minutes) 
  • You'll get fast results. The workouts are made to be so efficient that you will be building lean muscle very quickly. 
  • You can do the workouts anywhere. No equipment or gyms. 
  • Video workouts are very easy to follow along and very simple, yet effective
  • Meal plan is easy especially with the number of "cheat days." You don't have to give up your favorite foods and you don't have to feel guilty after eating. 
  • 60 Day money back guarantee, no strings attached. If you any reason you are not satisfied you can get a full refund. 

What I didn't like about Bodyweight Burn... 

  • Some workouts might take a little practice to get it right
  • Supplements are recommended for maximum benefits (supplement guide is included) 
  • meals are not specifically planned out, what I mean by that is there aren't recipes just guidelines and ideas

Bodyweight burn vs. P90x

I'm sure you all have heard of P90X or the Insanity workout programs. So how is Bodyweight Burn different?

Which program is more effective and better for you?

I'll start out with my personal experience first. I've tried both P90X and Insanity. I lasted through Insanity longer than P90X.

First of all, P90X requires equipment so that was annoying. Another thing I didn't like about it was how long the workouts were. It felt like I would constantly have to schedule workout time into by day and it's difficult to fit in a couple hours ​consistently.

Insanity was better than P90X since it did not require equipment. However, I still found the workouts to be long and when you get halfway through the program the length doubles.

My attention span is just not that long and I quickly got bored.

Bodyweight Burn is my favorite by far because it's the perfect length to work up a sweat and still see amazing results. I feel that P90X is more aimed towards guys and getting all muscly and strong. As girls, we are more concerned with how we look, not how many one-handed push-up we can do. So if you are like me and your primary goal is to burn fat and look great, then bodyweight burn is the option for you.  

Best place to buy Bodyweight Burn

The best place to buy this program is through their official website. It is available for instant download so that you can start your bodyweight burn workout as soon as possible. Payment is secure and processed by Clickbank, a respected and trusted online retailer of digital products. ​Digital download can be viewed on your phone, tablet or computer. 

Final Verdict on Bodyweight Burn...

If you want to make a commitment and really improve your health and body image then this program is for you. If you don't have a lot of time on your hands, this program is great with the 21 minute workouts. The are short but extremely effective. For everything that is included, it's not an expensive program. Definitely cheaper than a gym membership and will also give you better results. Program is for any age and fitness level. If you are already in a workout training program this can be a supplement to your training. Like any program you'll need to follow it for results. 

Here is the website >><< so give it a try as Adam offers you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee if his system does not work for you.​

Bodyweight Burn Review – The Workout Plan For Busy People

Bodyweight Burn is a simple workout program designed by Adam Steer for busy people or anyone who does not want to join a gym. The $19 progr...